Roy Hagen

Natural Resource Management & Conservation Specialist
 تحرير الترجمة
Roy Hagen


Expertise in GEF project development, national strategy and action plan development, community-based natural resource management, natural resource and biodiversity conservation and management, project design and evaluation, institution building and project supervision/support.

أول الموارد الطبيعية المهنية مع مهارات قائد الفريق ممتاز.

Led teams for a wide range of development and conservation organizations

متاح للاستشارات قصيرة أو طويلة المدى,
جاري الكتابة, & تصميم المشروع أو مراجعة

About Me

My fascination with all things natural developed as a child on the small dairy farm in northeastern Minnesota where I grew up. I began managing the forest land on the farm with planting spud, axe and chainsaw and continue this today on the 63 فدان من الغابات والأراضي الرطبة التي …


Welcome to my new web site. I’ve created this site for two purposes: To share what I’ve learned about my key areas of expertise and interest – both of them related to one another: Natural Resources Management and Conservation, especially in Africa; The Growing, Natural Resource Imposed, Limits to Economic …