Natural Resource Management & Conservation Specialist
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Work experience in Comoros Islands

Work experience in Comoros Islands

Sustainable land management project design Support to a national consulting team for the development of a half million dollar GEF SLM MSP. Provided training and assisted in problem analysis matrix, logframe and drafting of brief. Project included the pilot development of community-based eucalyptus plantation management. 2007.

GEF Project Development I provided guidance to national consultants on the development of a GEF project brief for a self-assessment of capacity development needs under three major environmental conventions. 2003

1/99-6/03 Project Development/Supervision Coordinator Biodiversity/Indian Ocean Provided technical and administrative supervision/backstopping under a UNOPS retainer contract for the UNDP-administered biodiversity project for the creation and management of a marine and terrestrial national park on the island of Moheli.