Natural Resource Management & Conservation Specialist
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Work experience in Ghana

Work experience in Ghana

Spent one week recruiting young professionals to come to the Regional Remote Sensikng Center of Ouagadougou for remote sensing training in 1980.

Scoping mission for USFS STEWARD program for West Africa. Developed fiften year strategy for natural resources management for Ghana, Ivory Coast and Liberia. Developed a concept for co-management of humid forests by communities, government and industry in Ghana. Visited a village next to a state forest reserve where all the men had acquired chain saws are were sawing lumber out of medium sized trees. The lumber of all species of trees cold be marketed locally. Unless this could be controlled, the forest has no future. Developed a concept whereby communities co-managers would be given rights to the selective harvest of small to medium sized trees in return for guaranteeing that a minimum number of high valued trees would be conserved for industrial harvest for the high value market.