Natural Resource Management & Conservation Specialist
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Work experience in Seychelles

Work experience in Seychelles

Sustainable land management project design Provided short focused training missions for UNDP Country Offices in setting up work-plans and outlines for Sustainable Land Management GEF PDF proposals. Supported the development of a project to develop capacities for fire management and control of invasive alien species. 2006

GEF Biodiversity Mainstreaming Project Design Led the development of a large biodiversity mainstreaming project to integrate biodiversity into economic productive sectors. The project targeted the tourism, industrial fisheries and artisanal fisheries sectors. 2005

Project Design Led the development of a GEF project brief for a national self-assessment of capacities needed to meet Seychelles’ obligations under the international conventions on biodiversity, climate change and desertification. Identified country specific needs for systems-level capacity assessment, for capacities for implicating civil society and for assessing the applicability of the Convention to Combat Desertification to the Seychelles. 2002&3.

Project Development/Supervision Coordinator Biodiversity/Indian Ocean Under a 1999-2003 UNOPS retainer contract for the provision of technical and administrative supervision/backstopping fore UNDP-funded biodiversity initiatives in the western Indian Ocean islands, I authored a concept paper for a joint UNDP/World Bank biodiversity project in Seychelles that was approved by GEF.