Natural Resource Management & Conservation Specialist
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Work experience in Zambia

Work experience in Zambia

Project Design September to November ’06 Develop PDF B Application NFM/SLM Development Specialist/Zambia

Conducted in depth analysis of the legal framework for empowerment of communities for the development of pilot participatory forest management of miombo woodlands and found innovative solution using existing laws for forest concessions. Oversaw work of national consultant. Developed a detailed problem analysis matrix and a full request for GEF project development funds Category B (PDF B) \– 2006

Project Design Led the development of the $9 million protected area (PA) Reclassification Project in Zambia. Focused the design on improving the overall management effectiveness of the PA network through innovative partnerships with civil society and through legal and policy reforms to include the creation of new categories of PA. Design included community-based natural resource management of former wildlife management areas on two pilot sites. This project design has been recognized as a model for GEF PA projects — 2004.

National Biodiversity Strategy Development Drafted a guidebook for the development of national biodiversity strategies and action plans based on my work assisting national planning teams. Guidebook was distributed at the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in May 98. Assisted national strategy development on 11 missions to nine countries between 1997 to 2001 including Zambia

GEF Project Development Training Facilitated the development by project participants of concept papers for projects potentially eligible for circa. $20,000,000 in GEF funding in the focal areas of biodiversity conservation, international waters and climate change — 2000. The concept for the project above that I developed in 2004 was born at this workshop in 2000.