Forty-five years professional experience in natural resources conservation and management with fifteen years progressively increasing responsibilities, usually as a Team Leader, for a wide range of bi-lateral and multi-lateral development and conservation organizations (e.g. FAO/GEF, UNDP/GEF, USAID, World Bank, IUCN, CARE and many others). About half of my professional experience has been in francophone African/western Indian Ocean countries including Madagascar, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, and Congo.
I am especially qualified to manage cross-cultural teams involving a multiplicity of implementing agencies and requiring a calm, patient, flexible and effective team leader. Accomplished at working in multi-disciplinary task forces with engineers, ecologists, social scientists, economists and others. Significant accomplishments in institutional development, l'élaboration de stratégies,,en,processus de planification nationale,,en,une analyse,,en,gestion de crise,,en,la formation sur mesure et la rédaction technique et l'appui aux projets,,en,Compétence,,en,le développement des projets du FEM,,en,Langue maternelle Anglais,,en,excellente français parlé,,en,très bon français écrit,,en,Foire arabe marocain,,en,PROFIL,,en,Née,,en,intérêt long de la vie dans les ressources naturelles,,en,et l'environnement mis au point au cours de l'enfance à la ferme familiale,,en,Formée à l'Université du Minnesota avec un diplôme d'études supérieures en foresterie et un fort accent sur l'écologie et la télédétection,,en,Ordinateur lettré,,en,Marié,,en,avec trois filles et une petite-fille,,en,Propre maison,,en,cabine lac et terre sauvage dans le Minnesota,,en,Principalement intéressé par des missions à court terme jusqu'à un an de longueur,,en,examinera d'autres offres,,en,Ont été décrit comme un extraverti,,en,logique professionnelle avec un grand-image,,en, national planning processes, analysis, crisis management, tailor-made training and technical writing and project backstopping.
Expertise: GEF project development, national strategy and action plan development, community-based natural resource management, natural resource and biodiversity conservation and management, project design and evaluation, institution building and project supervision/support.
Native English, excellent spoken French; very good written French. Fair Moroccan Arabic.
Born 1948; life-long interest in natural resources, and the environment developed during childhood on the family farm. Educated at the University of Minnesota with a graduate degree in Forestry and a strong emphasis in ecology and remote sensing. Computer-literate. Married, with three daughters and one grandchild. Own home, lake cabin and wild land in Minnesota. Primarily interested in short-term missions up to one year in length, will consider other offers.
Have been described as an extroverted, logical professional with a big-picture, perspective analytique et qui est le plus efficace dans peu structuré,,en,situations fluides avec une capacité de gestion des crises,,en,HISTOIRE DE TRAVAIL PROFESSIONNEL,,en,RENDEZ-VOUS,,en,MISSION,,en,TITRE,,en,ENDROIT,,en,février,,en,pour présenter le FEM projet d'identification,,en,Design Consultant Kenya,,en,RoC,,en,Diriger l'élaboration de la conception du projet de gestion participative des forêts au Kenya,,en,mettre l'accent sur la restauration des forêts d'autofinancement,,en,et la République démocratique du Congo,,en,mettre l'accent sur la gestion des forêts de miombo pour les marchés de charbon de bois urbain,,en,et l'identification d'un projet d'aire protégée de 650,000ha en République du Congo a porté sur le développement du système de cogestion d'autofinancement,,en,Octobre à Décembre,,en,Évaluation à mi-parcours,,en,Spécialiste gestion des ressources naturelles,,en,Cambodge,,en,Biodiversité Équipe Projet d'évaluation à mi-parcours Chef / Arc Est,,en, fluid situations with crisis management capability.
February 2014 to Present GEF Project Identification & Design Consultant Kenya, RoC & DRC
Leading the development of participatory forest management project design in Kenya (focus on self-financing forest restoration) and Democratic Republic of Congo (focus on miombo forest management for urban charcoal markets) and the identification of a 650,000ha protected area project in Republic of Congo focused on the development of self-financing co-management system.
October to December, 2013 Mid-Term Evaluation NRM Specialist, Cambodia
Led the evaluation of the NRM component of the USAID-funded HARVEST project, including the community forestry and community fisheries components of the project. Trouvé il y a des contraintes juridiques majeures au développement GCRN au Cambodge.
August to October 2013 Develop Concept for Community Forestry Project Lubumbashi, DRC
Analyzed threats to miombo forests and their root causes and led the participatory development of a concept for a community-based miombo forest management project that would include the sustainable production of wood fuels for urban markets.
July 2013 to September 2014 Qualitative Evaluation of CBNRM Support Consultant/Namibia
Assisted in design of focus group discussions and designed and implemented key informant interviews for the qualitative assessment of the results of MCC support to community-based wildlife management. Synthesizing results of KII and FGD and making recommendations for the modification of follow-on evaluations.
June 2013 Negotiate Legal Partnership Agreements Workshop Facilitator/Cameroon
Moderated a workshop for the negotiation of legal partnership agreements between an FAO project for community-based management of wildlife for the sustainable production and marketing of bushmeat and the three international organizations of IUCN, CIFOR and CIRAD.
March 2013 to present Evaluation of USAID Biodiversity Projects CBNRM Specialist/Malawi
Found that the project design and project monitoring performance plans were weak. The two projects were focused on livelihood enhancement without meaningful indicators and monitoring system for showing linkages to biodiversity conservation. No clear linkages could be established.
July 2012 – Jan 2013 Global Review of Community Forestry Lessons Learned Team Leader/Home
Focused on lessons learned as they apply to the development of REDD+ national programs and projects.
February – June 2012 Project Identification Sustainable Forest Mgt Specialist/Kenya
Developed the initial project identification for a the first community-based dryland forest management project the sustainable production of wood fuels in Kenya for FAO and prepared the project preparation grant request to GEF.
August 2011 – March 2012 Evaluation of Impact of MCC Support CBNRM Specialist/Namibia
Developed a questionnaire for the subjective evaluation of the impact of MCC-funded training and grants in support for conservancies for community-based wildlife management.
June 2011 – January 2012 Marine Conservation Partnerships Offshore Oil and Gas Coordinator Mauritania
Responsable de la mise en place et le lancement d'un projet de conservation de la biodiversité marine de 4 ans. Development of project partnerships and management systems, recruitment, work planning, prioritization, reporting & procurement.
March 2011 to May 2011 Business Plan Development Consultant Washington & Home
Conducted a market analysis, developed a 2020 vision and a business plan for the development of a social marketing-based conservation program for Francophone Africa and the Western Indian Ocean Islands for Rare Inc.
February 2010 – Feb 2011 Bushmeat Project GEF Project Development 4 Congo Basin countries
Led team of 15 consultants for the development of a participatory wildlife management project for the humid forest ecosystems of Gabon, RDC, Republic of Congo and RCA. This approved project will be the first to do sustainable wildlife management for the bushmeat market.
July 2010—January 2011 Programme de l'Afrique centrale pour l'évaluation de l'environnement Team Leader CA
Found the “landscape approach” and land use planning of to be the two greatest strengths of $140 million CARPE Program. Documented good progress on PA management and natural forest management. Found community-based natural resource management to be the weakest aspect of CARPE. Found that nearly all of CARPE’s landscape interventions have secondary positive effects on climate change mitigation. Recommended Phase III be extended to 2020 and that program be diversified to include climate change mitigation.
July 2009– December 2009 Wildlife Corridor Biodiversity Project GEF Project Development Niger
Developed innovative design for low-cost, cogestion participative des aires protégées et la gestion communautaire d'un nouveau corridor faunique reliant les trois Saharienne PA dans le nord du Niger.
March 2009 – June 2010 Environmental & social strategy development Environmentalist, Gabon
Analysis of mining sector cadastre and policies. Development of a strategic vision for the mining sector and of an environmental and social strategy for achieving this vision.
Jan-March 2009 Develop SLM Guidelines for Haiti SLM Specialist, Haiti
Identified direct causes of land degradation of agricultural and non-agricultural lands, identified barriers to sustainable land management (SLM) and led the participatory development of guidelines for eliminating barriers to SLM.
Sept-October 2008 Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Assessment Environmentalist, Morocco
Led a team of three consultants to conduct a 118/119 évaluation de la biodiversité aux États-Unis guider les programmes gouvernementaux au Maroc. Developed a methodology based on the identification of constraints to biodiversity conservation and the identification of measures needed to overcome the constraints.
August 2008 December 2009 National Biodiversity Strategy Development Team Leader, Romania
Developed the participatory methodology for strategy development, prepared synthesis of problem analysis and barrier identification and led the led the development of strategies for overcoming barriers to effective biodiversity conservation.
March ‘08 Forest & NR Management Expert NRM Strategy Development Liberia, Ghana Ivory Coast Conducted an assessment of NRM, developed a 15-yr NRM strategy and identified pilot activities for improved NRM in five countries of the Upper Guinea Humid Forest Zone. A développé un concept de cogestion des forêts tropicales humides.
March-Sept 07 Project Development Sustainable Land Management Capacity Building, Liberia & Sierra Leone Finalized project documents for sustainable agriculture in Liberia and community-based management of mangrove, wooded savanna & fire in Sierra Leone
August – October 07 Development of a Project Exit Strategy Consultant/Senegal & Mauritania
Discovered the greatest weakness of this community-based range and forest management project is the lack of self-financing mechanisms for community managers. Developed a vision for the end of project conditions, assessed progress towards achieving this vision and developed recommendations for maximizing the probability that project initiatives will be sustained beyond project completion.
Sept. ’06 – Dec 07 SLM Project Development Projet de développement / Sierra Leone, Liberia & Comoros
Support to national teams for half million dollar SLM MSP development. Provided training and assisted in problem analysis matrix, logframe and drafting of brief.
October to Sept 07 SLM Project Development Project Development Specialist/Siliana Region, Tunisia
Replaced first international consultant. Redid the problem analysis and developed logframe to improve agricultural sustainability and to develop the first participatory range and forest management systems in Tunisia. Drafted full project brief.
September to November ’06 Develop PDF B Application NFM/SLM Development Specialist/Zambia
Mené une analyse approfondie du cadre juridique pour l'autonomisation des communautés pour le développement de la gestion participative des forêts pilote miombos et a trouvé une solution innovante en utilisant les lois existantes pour les concessions forestières. Oversaw work of national consultant. Developed a detailed problem analysis matrix and a full request for PDF B funding
August ’06 Institutional Capacity Needs Assessment Institutional Specialist/Burkina & Senegal
Conducted an initial screening of potential francophone institutions that have the mandate and some level of resources to support the development and implementation of SLM projects. CILSS in Burkina and CSE in Senegal were selected. Worked with staff at each institution to develop a vision of desired future capacities, then assessed current capacities versus this vision. Developed detailed recommendations for institutional capacity building for each.
July & August ’06 Biodiversity Project Mid-Term Evaluation Team Leader/Eastern Arc, Tanzania
Found that one of the main BD conservation strategies, participatory forest management, était probablement pas viable parce que le cadre juridique ne permet pas l'autonomisation des communautés à des fins commerciales de la forêt,,en,avril '06,,en,Game Ranch Projet d'évaluation finale,,en,Chef d'équipe /,,zu,A découvert que le projet n'a pas mis au point des stratégies efficaces pour faire face à la principale menace pour la viabilité du ranch de gibier géré par l'Etat,,en,A constaté que la participation des populations locales était seulement seront des avantages financiers très limités partiels,,en,Le renforcement des capacités pour la GDT projet Dvlpt,,en,Animateur de l'atelier et formateur / Nairobi,,en,Formation sur la conception du projet FEM SLM pour les experts nationaux de,,en,pays d'Afrique et l'océan Indien occidental,,en,méthodologies stressées pour l'analyse des problèmes de dégradation des terres,,en,Octobre '05 - Juillet '06 Formation Conception du projet FEM,,en,Soutien,,en. Project was fraught with major personality conflicts but had developed strong synergies and working relationships amongst diverse array of stakeholders.
March & April ’06 Game Ranch Project Final Evaluation Team Leader/Nazinga, Burkina Faso
Discovered that the project had not developed effective strategies for confronting the main threat to the viability of the state-managed game ranch, that of poaching of buffalo. Found that participation of local populations was only partial will very limited financial benefits.
March 2006 Capacity building for SLM Project Dvlpt Workshop Facilitator and Trainer/Nairobi
Provided training on GEF SLM project design for national experts from 11 countries in Africa and Western Indian Ocean. Stressed methodologies for land degradation problem analysis.
October ’05 – July ‘06 GEF Project Design Training & Support Tanzania, Rwanda & Seychelles
De courtes missions de formation ciblées pour les bureaux de pays du PNUD dans la mise en place des plans de travail et donne un aperçu des propositions PDF FEM gestion durable des terres,,en,Cela implique bien une formation individuelle à l'un des agents de programme,,en,Consultants nationaux et gouvernement membres du personnel des ONG,,en,analyse du problème initial effectué et le projet de cadre logique,,en,Focalisés sur la décomposition de,,en,chagga,,en,WWF Madagascar aidé dans la conception d'un projet axé sur le développement de modèles de terrain pour une agriculture durable et la gestion des pâturages dans l'écosystème forestier aiguillat fortement dégradée dans le sud Madagascar,,en,-,,en,FEM pour le développement du projet Spécialiste / Maurice,,en,A dirigé l'élaboration du projet FEM moyennes pour le renforcement des capacités institutionnelles pour la gestion durable des terres,,en,Conception du projet des aires protégées,,en,FEM pour le développement du projet Spécialiste / Zambie,,en,Diriger l'élaboration du,,en. This involves much one to one training with Programme Officers, National Consultants and Government NGO staff members. Performed initial problem analysis and draft logframe. Focused on breakdown of chagga Système de jardin à la maison sur pied du Kilimandjaro. Focused on erosion and soil fertility decline in Rwanda. Seychelles design includes capacities for fire management and control of invasives.
January – Sept 2005 Project Design GEF Project Development Specialist/Morocco
Led the design of a $2 million GEF OP 12 Integrated Forest Ecosystem Management Project for the Middle Atlas Mountains. Discovered that overgrazing is so severe that there is virtually no regeneration of forest species and that present management systems do not address this threat. Developed a design that will empower community managers to co-manage forest and range resources, that will require them to develop grazing systems ensure forest regeneration and that control erosion, and that will empower them, for the first time, à la récolte et des produits forestiers du marché suite à un plan de gestion convenu.
12/04 Protected Areas Project Evaluation Team Leader/Lebanon
Led the evaluation of the GEF project that developed management systems and capacities for the first three, newly created protected areas in Lebanon. Found that the project had been quite success in ensuring biodiversity conservation at the three sites. Recommended that future efforts focus on developing capacities at the PA network or system level.
11/03 & 04-3/05 Sustainable Land Management Design GEF Design Specialist/Madagascar
Developed the first approved project concept under the new GEF Land Degradation Focal Area. Assisted WWF Madagascar in designing a project focussing on the development of field models for sustainable agriculture and range management in the highly degraded Spiny Forest ecosystem in southeast Madagascar.
8/04 – 3/05 Sustainable Land Management Design GEF Project Development Specialist/Mauritius
Led the development of GEF Medium-Sized Project for building institutional capacities for sustainable land management (SLM) in Mauritius and Rodrigues. Project design was presented to the Small Islands Developing States conference in January 2005 as a model SLM design for SIDS.
10/03 & 1-7/04 Protected Areas Project Design GEF Project Development Specialist/Zambia
Lead the development of the $9 PA millions Reclassement Projet en Zambie,,en,Évaluation,,en,Chef d'équipe / Madagascar,,en,Rédacteur technique,,en,Coordinateur / Madagascar et aux USA,,en,millions du PNUD et du financement de la Banque mondiale FEM,,en,Les pilotes de gestion des forêts naturelles,,en,Chef d'équipe et forestier,,en,Découvert que pas de récolte forestière encore fait à Madagascar sur la base d'un plan de gestion approuvé après,,en,années de soutien des donateurs,,en,Trouvé le projet WWF CAF / APN d'avoir la meilleure approche,,en,Recommandé l'abandon / simplifier les processus de planification et proposé un transfert en deux étapes des droits de gestion forestière non commercial / commercial aux communautés,,en,Chef d'équipe / Ghana,,en,SA,,ro,FEM pour le développement du projet Trainer,,en,Facilitateur / Zambie,,en,West African Review gestion des ressources naturelles gestion des ressources naturelles Spécialiste / Burkina et au Niger,,en,Développement de la première chronologie de la gestion des ressources naturelles dans WA,,en. Sur la conception centrée amélioration de l'efficacité globale de la gestion du réseau PA grâce à des partenariats novateurs avec la société civile et par le biais de réformes juridiques et politiques pour y inclure la création de nouvelles catégories de PA. Project design has been recognized as a model for GEF PA projects.
7-12/03 Biodiversity Project Design GEF Project Development Specialist/Madagascar
Led the design of the UNDP component of the joint World Bank/UNDP Project Brief for support to the Third Environment Program in Madagascar. Coordinated work with World Bank and lead the development of impact indicators for the joint logframe. Developed design for community-based management of coral reefs & lagoons, mangroves and natural forest with a Knowledge Management component in support of sustainable natural resource management. Converted the $6 M composante UNDP / GEF PNUD Prodoc.
3-7/03 & 3/04 Project Restructuring Biodiversity Advisor/Senegal and Mauritania
Led the review and restructuring of an ongoing project that had deviated strongly from its major objective and was threatened with closure. Redefined project focus from land rehabilitation to the development of community-based range and forest management models on 16 sites (reduced from 100) Developed logframe impact indicators.
5-10/03 Project Design GEF Project Development Specialist /Comoros Union
Provided guidance to national consultants on the development of a GEF project brief for a self-assessment of capacity development needs under three major environmental conventions.
1/99-6/03 Project Development/Supervision Coordinator Biodiversity/Indian Ocean
Major accomplishment: Assure l'encadrement technique et administratif / appui technique en vertu d'un contrat de retenue UNOPS. Assisted the design/execution of UNDP-administered Global Environment Facility Biodiversity Projects in Madagascar and Comoros Islands. Oversaw new project development for integrated coastal zone management, invasive species control, community-based natural resource management and for marine/terrestrial biodiversity conservation. Authored an approved concept paper for a joint UNDP/World Bank biodiversity project in Seychelles.
11/02—1/03 Project Design Lead Consultant/Seychelles
Led the development of a GEF project brief for a national self-assessment of capacities needed to meet Seychelles’ obligations under the international conventions on biodiversity, climate change and desertification. Identified country specific needs for systems-level capacity assessment, for capacities for implicating civil society and for assessing the applicability of the Convention to Combat Desertification to the Seychelles.
8-11/02 Evaluation Team Leader/Madagascar
Led the evaluation of the UNDP and UNDP GEF support to the Second Environment Program in Madagascar. Discovered that a key weakness of the program was the false assumption that sustainable natural resource management systems already existed and were ready for transfer to communities.
9&10/02 GEF Concept Development Technical Writer & Coordinator/Madagascar and USA
Lead author for the preparation of a concept paper for $12 million of UNDP and World Bank GEF funding with $140 million of co-financing for a program of multi-donor support to the Third Environmental Program in Madagascar. Concentrée sur le développement de systèmes de gestion durable des ressources biologiques.
6&7/02 MSP Brief Preparation Team Leader & Project Development Specialist/Mauritania
Developed a Medium-Sized Project design for a GEF project to provide support to the development of community-based range co-management and marine fisheries co-management with the Banc d’Arguin National Park in the northeastern corner of Mauritania.
3-4/02 Project Evaluation Biodiversity Specialist/China, Mongolia, Russia & South Korea
Major accomplishment: Found that project focus has shifted from international waters to biodiversity without ever bringing in the necessary high-level expertise in biodiversity conservation strategies. Découverte du projet a été étroitement axé sur les espèces et les zones protégées et n'a pas reconnu l'accès libre comme la cause fondamentale de la dégradation grave de l'écosystème des prairies de steppe.
9/01-1/02 Environmental and Social Assessment Team Leader/Chad, Niger & Cameroon
Major accomplishment: Interpreted and applied World Bank Safeguard Policies to six pilot project sites in five Lake Chad Basin countries. Identified key concerns to be, a) risks of inequities associated with negotiated changes in natural resource access for all pilots, and, b) significant risks of dam failure for the Cameroon site. Frequently revised plans and itinerary due to multiple security concerns.
2-9/01 Stocktaking of Biodiversity Strategies Biodiversity Strategy Specialist/Madagascar
Major Accomplishment: Analyse de l'évolution et les forces et les faiblesses des stratégies de conservation de la biodiversité à Madagascar de 1990 to the present. Conducted a scoping mission, finalized list of studies, developed detailed TOR, recruited a team of six national consultants and supported/reviewed consultant reports.
6&7/02 Forest Cover Loss Monitoring Ground Truthing Specialist/Madagascar
Major accomplishment: Analyzed needs for ground truthing and recommended approaches/methodologies.
4/02 Revalidation of Country Strategic Plan Natural Resources Specialists/Guinea
Major accomplishment: Found the USAID mission natural resources strategic objective to be less than strategic. Identified weaknesses in the natural resource results framework and recommended improvements.
1&2/01 Plantation Management/Forest Conservation Forester & Strategy Specialist/Madagascar
Major Accomplishment: Mis au point sylvicole détaillé / marketing / recommandations de la structure de gestion et passionnant projet de gestion des plantations d'eucalyptus communautaire dans le sud-Madagascar. Led an exploratory foot trip into remote, roadless areas to develop strategies for conservation of the Tsitongombarika Forest Reserve. Developed recommendations for improved governance in the forest sector.
97 to 01 Biodiversity Strategy Development Planning Specialist/9 countries
Major Accomplishment: Drafted a guidebook for the development of national biodiversity strategies and action plans based on my work assisting national planning teams. Guidebook was distributed at the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in May 98. Assisted national strategy development on 11 missions to Rwanda, Madagascar, Senegal, Chad, Cape Verde, Guinea, Zambia, Ethiopia and Swaziland.
10/00-1/01 Assessment of 10 Natural Forest Management Pilots Team Leader and Forester
Major Accomplishment: Discovered that no forest harvest yet done in Madagascar based on an approved management plan after 10+ years of donor support. Found the WWF CAF/APN project to have the best approach. Recommended abandoning/simplifying the planning processes and proposed a two-phased transfer of non-commercial/commercial forest management rights to communities.
5 to 6/00 Mid-Term Evaluation Team Leader/ Ghana, Tunisia, SA & Uganda
Major accomplishment: Discovered that key elements of the Important Bird Area process, on which the project is based, have no developed methodologies or guidelines. Found the project to be based on a unique, pan-African partnership of African conservation NGOs.
4/00 GEF Project Development Workshop Trainer & Facilitator/Zambia
Major accomplishment: Facilitated the development by project participants of concept papers for projects potentially eligible for circa. $20,000,000 in GEF funding in the focal areas of biodiversity conservation, international waters and climate change.
6, 9, 10 & 12/99 West African NRM Review NRM Specialist/Burkina and Niger
Major Accomplishment: Developed first timeline of natural resource management in WA, drafted issues paper and TOR, interviewé des candidats pour la préparation des documents techniques et ont participé à l'atelier d'examen gestion des ressources naturelles Décembre pour le Sahel,,en,GCRN Spécialiste / Madagascar,,en,critères développés et appliqués pour la sélection des sites et secteurs pour le développement GCRN dans les trois zones géographiques LDI,,en,Conservation et développement,,en,Forêt naturelle et spécialiste de la gestion forestière de gestion Plantation Madagascar,,en,Mis au point l'une des premières stratégies forestières naturelles communautaires et de gestion des plantations à Madagascar,,en,Conçus de façon stratégique des propositions de gestion de manière à diminuer les pressions sur les aires protégées,,en,Agence Programme de soutien gestion des ressources naturelles,,en,Ressources naturelles Spécialiste en conception / Etats-Unis,,en,Identifiait les options possibles pour la refonte du projet de soutien des ressources naturelles Bureau Afrique de l'USAID,,en,Manuel de gestion des forêts naturelles,,en,Rédacteur technique / Etats-Unis,,en.
10 & 11/99 CBNRM Development CBNRM Specialist/Madagascar
Major Accomplishment: Assessed the feasibility of applying the GELOSE law for community-based natural resource management, identified alternative legal instruments, developed and applied criteria for selecting sites and sectors for CBNRM development within LDI’s three geographic areas.
7/99 CB Range Management Design Co-Team Leader/Botswana, Mali & Kenya
Major Accomplishment: Developed innovative strategy for putting communities in lead for directing project support. Negotiated respective roles for UNEP and UNDP in project administration.
8-12/98 Landscape Ecology & Development Environmental Planner/Madagascar
Major Accomplishment: Developed innovative methodology for defining biodiversity conservation priorities at the ecosystem and landscape unit levels. Drafted strategic development approaches for addressing key challenges to biodiversity conservation.
3, 4 & 6/98 Community-Based Resource Management Team Leader/Namibia
Principal Accomplishment: Developed a long-term vision for the development of community-based natural resources management (CBNRM) in Namibia. Evaluated the USAID-funded LIFE Project, conducted a CBNRM sector assessment and designed follow-on USAID support.
1&2/98 Biodiversity/Land Degradation Redesign Co-Team Leader/Senegal & Mauritania
11-12/97 Sand Dune Stabilization Project Evaluation Team Leader/Mauritania
Major Accomplishment: Found that this 14-year project never duplicated its early, significant success in developing highly innovative sand dune stabilization techniques as it diversified into activities without mastering the management of the stabilized dunes.
1998 Guidelines for National Biodiversity Strategy Teams Biodiversity Conservation Specialist
Drafted guidelines for national teams preparing national biodiversity conservation strategies and action plans. Focused on protection and sustainable use as two main strategies for conserving biodiversity.
97&98 National Biodiversity Strategy Development Planning Specialist/eight African countries
Major Accomplishment: Organized national biodiversity strategy planning, à l'aide participative, multi-sectoral approach stressing multi-stakeholder involvement.
7-8/97 Park Management Project Evaluation Team Leader/Bulgaria
Major Accomplishment: Discovered that the institution this USAID project was to support, had not yet been created as of the mid-term. Proposed a deadline for the government to meet its obligations and identified interim project activities.
9-12/96 Rainforest Logging Assessment Team Leader/Congo
Major Accomplishment: Discovered that there was almost no regeneration of the two species making up 86% of the harvest and that there was no management plan: opening of roads had led to uncontrolled bushmeat hunting of gorillas and other endangered species.
11/95-12/96 Protected Area Conservation Technical Advisor/Congo and Management
Major Accomplishment: Maintained technical functions, contract preparation and networking during crisis period under funding agency threat of project closure.
6-9/96 Biodiversity Project Evaluation Team Leader/Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania
Major Accomplishment: Organized and led evaluation of a complex, 37-component project developing institutional capacity and databases across three countries.
6-7/95 Proposal Development Recruiter/USA
Major Accomplishment: Used databases and Internet to identify candidates for Albanian project.
4-5/95 Project Evaluation Environmental Specialist & Chief of Party/ Guinea
Major Accomplishment: Concluded that mix of project interventions and strategies was inadequate to achieve stated objectives; project design was basically flawed.
2-3/95 Natural Resources Assessment Sustainable Agriculture Specialist/Kenya
Established that phosphate depletion is a major constraint to agricultural sustainability in the Highlands and is contributing to movement onto fragile lands.
12/94 National Environmental Action Plan Planning Advisor/Malawi
A aidé à l'élaboration de méthodes de planification et de l'organisation des équipes de consultants nationaux pour le plan d'action mondial de l'environnement financé par la Banque.
10/91-10/94 Protected Areas Institution Building Chief of Party/Madagascar
Major Accomplishment: Served as principal strategist for institutional development of the National Association for the Management of Protected Areas. Developed a long-term vision that led to the restructuring of ANGAP and the protected area program.
9-10/91 Biodiversity Program Evaluation Team Leader/USA
Conducted mid-term evaluation of biodiversity conservation support activities for LA, Africa and Asia.
7-8/91 Project Development Agroforestry & Soil Conservation Specialist/Rwanda
Reviewed sector activities and made recommendations for an agroforestry/soil conservation extension program for enhancing agricultural sustainability.
5-6/91 Conservation and Development Project Evaluation Team Leader/Madagascar
USAID funding was discontinued as a direct result of our findings.
2-4/91 Natural Forest and Plantation Management Forest Management Specialist Madagascar Developed one of the first community-based natural forest and plantation management strategies in Madagascar. Strategically conceived management proposals so as to diminish pressures on protected areas.
9-11/90 Agency NRM Support Program Natural Resources Design Specialist/USA
Identified options for redesign of USAID Africa Bureau natural resources support project
8/90 Natural Forest Management Handbook Technical Writer/USA
Repêché le chapitre sur les évaluations des forêts naturelles d'un manuel de gestion des forêts naturelles semi-arides.
4-6/90 Agroforestry Extension Training Principal Trainer/Madagascar & Trainer/Rwanda
Conducted two-week technical and communications-focused workshops for NGO, government services and donor personnel.
1-3 & 7/90 River Basin Master Planning Natural Resources Planner/Senegal & Mali
Prepared community-based natural resources management options on the Upper Senegal River Valley.
10-12/89 Agricultural Sector Assessment Natural Resources Specialist/Madagascar
Assessed and prioritized natural resources problems and identified programming options.
4-9/89 Urban Fuelwood Supply Strategies Forest Mapping & Management Specialist/ Burkina Faso
Cartographiés les zones d'approvisionnement en bois de quatre villes de l'imagerie par satellite et développé des stratégies de gestion communautaire des forêts naturelles situées dans la brousse / pour l'approvisionnement en bois de chauffage urbain,,en,Spécialiste de la planification environnementale / Rwanda,,en,Assisted cinq équipes de spécialistes nationaux pour identifier et analyser les questions d'environnement et d'élaborer une stratégie nationale sur l'environnement et le plan d'action,,en,Chef d'équipe de gestion du bassin versant,,en,Spécialiste gestion des bassins versants / Maroc,,en,évaluation menée de la gestion des bassins versants a besoin dans les montagnes de l'Atlas et du Rif et du Moyen-options de programmation de gestion des bassins versants identifiés pour la conception de projets futurs,,en,Ressources naturelles Spécialiste / Niger,,en,Évaluation du projet pour les réfugiés Reboisement,,en,Forester / Soudan,,en
1-3&5-6/89 National Environmental Action Plan Environmental Planning Specialist/Rwanda
Assisted five teams of national specialists to identify and analyze environmental issues and to prepare a national environmental strategy and action plan.
3-4/89 Watershed Management Team Leader & Watershed Management Specialist/Morocco
Conducted assessment of watershed management needs in the Rif and Middle Atlas Mountains and identified watershed management programming options for future project design.
- National Agricultural Research Project Design Natural Resources Specialist/Niger
1988 Refugee Reforestation Project Evaluation Forester/Sudan
projet découvert a tenté de planter des arbres en dehors de leur aire de répartition naturelle et que les données de survie précédemment révélé sans examen la mortalité des arbres inexpliqués sur vertisols,,en,Gestion des ressources naturelles du Sahel gestion des ressources naturelles Spécialiste / Mali,,en,Gestion des ressources naturelles identifiées techniques réussies et les conditions analysées menant à leur succès,,en,Gestion des terres semi-arides Proposition Préparation Writer / Etats-Unis technique,,en,Traducteur Étude Agroforesterie Visite,,en,Contrôle technique / cinq États américains,,en,Biodiversité développement conservation pour la conservation Spécialiste / Madagascar,,en,A effectué la première évaluation à Madagascar du potentiel de conservation et de développement intégré,,en,Concept de développement du projet,,en,concept développé pour l'innovation,,en,la production communautaire de bois de feu pour les marchés urbains,,en,Programme pays,,en.
1987 & 88 Sahelian Natural Resources Management NRM Specialist/Mali, Niger, Senegal, The Gambia Identified successful NRM techniques and analyzed conditions leading to their success. Published as the “Opportunities for Development” study.
1987 Semi-arid Lands Management Proposal Preparation Technical Writer/USA
1987 Agroforestry Study Tour Translator & Technical Oversight/Five US States
1987 Biodiversity Conservation Development for Conservation Specialist/Madagascar
Performed the first assessment in Madagascar of the potential for integrated conservation and development.
1987 Project Concept Development Technical Writer/USA
Developed concept for innovative, community-based production of fuelwood for urban markets.
1987 Country Program (AFSI) Design Agroforester/Guinea
Developed agroforestry program component for Peace Corps in the Fouta Djalon Highlands.
1987 USAID Africa Bureau Senior Forestry Advisor/Washington D.C.
Completed the Plan for Supporting Natural Resources Management for Sub-Saharan Africa
1986 & 87 US Congress Book on NRM Agroforestry Technical Writer/USA
1986 Village Agroforestry Project Evaluation Team Leader/Mali
1986 Peace Corps Training Forestry Trainer/Texas
1986 Peace Corps AFSI Program Country Assessment Team Leader Guinea
1986 Agroforestry Extension Training Workshop Agroforestry Trainer/The Gambia
1986 Woodfuels Supply Chain Market Analysis Woodfuels Marketing Specialist/Mali
1985 Agroforestry Project Proposal Draft Agroforester & Technical Writer/Guinea
1985 Community Forestry Project Evaluation Agroforester/Fouta Djalon in Guinea
1985 Agro-Ecological Zonation Ecologist & Team Leader/Niamey Dept. in Niger
1984 Savanna Forest and Plantation Management Planning Forest Manager/Burkina
1984 University Undergraduate Forestry Training Forestry Instructor/Burkina Faso
1983 Forestry Project Redesign Forester/Burkina Faso
1982 Forestry Technician Training Remote Sensing Instructor/Burkina Faso
1979-82 Regional Remote Sensing Center Natural Resources Applications/Burkina
1975-79 Remote Sensing Wetlands Mapping & Applications Specialist/Minnesota
- Remote Sensing Applications of Black Bear Habitat Research Assistant/Minnesota
1970-73 Forest Research Station Peace Corps Volunteer & Arboretum Manager/Morocco
Other Experience: Christmas tree grower, tree farmer, forest genetics research aide, soils lab technician, corn breeder’s aide, containerized seedling research aide, smoke chaser, pulpwood/timber cutter, dairy farm worker
Morocco, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Rwanda, Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Niger, Chad, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Cape Verde, Comoros Islands, Mauritius, Tunisia, Lebanon, Seychelles, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, China, Russian Federation, Mongolia and South Korea, Haiti.
LEADERSHIP SKILLS: Served as team leader on over thirty teams of international and host country specialists and as Chief-of-Party on a six-million dollar institution-building project in Madagascar. Able to build cohesive teams composed of specialists of widely divergent technical and cultural backgrounds. Typically most effective in fluid, loosely structured situations which require high degree of flexibility, personal initiative, and patience. Led the strategic analysis of Madagascar’s $60 million dollar Protected Area Program resulting in institutional restructuring and revised strategies. A récemment dirigé l'évaluation finale d'un projet régional de 37 composants dans trois pays
PLANNING: Planning experience ranges from working against short-term time constraints of two-week missions to long-term strategic visioning processes over a fifteen-year horizon. Developed pragmatic guidelines for country planning teams developing national biodiversity strategies based on work with national teams in seven African countries. Have worked intensively on GEF project development over the past nine years.
NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT/ENVIRONMENT: Recent focus has been on community-based, participatory approaches and on linkages between agricultural sustainability, demographic growth, natural resources and the environment. Have been involved since 1970 (and Earth Day) in life-long dedication to environmental issues. Neuf ans d'expérience en télédétection a fourni des informations précieuses.
ANALYTICAL SKILLS: Oriented towards “big picture” questions and issues rather than details. Capable of reviewing complex situations, of identifying and prioritizing the issues to be addressed, of conducting a logical analysis of the issues and of presenting the results in a balanced, non-confrontational manner.
MS in Forest Resources, University of Minnesota: 1981 (emphasis on remote sensing, ecology and statistics)
BS in Forest Science, University of Minnesota: 1972 (emphasis on natural resource management)
Supported myself and paid for college expenses as a dairy farmer, smoke-chaser, timber cutter, corn breeder’s aide and other jobs.