Project Evaluation Team Leader of the mid-term evaluation of the Eastern Arc Biodiversity Project. Found that one of the main BD conservation strategies, participatory forest management, was probably not viable because the legal framework did not allow empowerment of communities for commercial uses of the forest. Project was fraught with major personality conflicts but had developed strong synergies and working relationships amongst diverse array of stakeholders — 2006.
Project design Short focused training missions for UNDP Country Offices, government officials and other stakeholders in setting up work-plans and outlines for Sustainable Land Management GEF PDF proposals. For foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, performed initial problem analysis and draft log frame focusing on the unexplained breakdown of the famous, traditional chagga home garden system — 2005.
Project Evaluation Team Leader for the final evaluation of the East Africa Biodiversity Project covering Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It was the first full biodivertsity project to come to completion in Africa. Organized and interviewed the 37-component project in three weeks. Half the project was quite successful and half, including pilot sites for biodiversity conservation, were unconvincing — 1996.
NRM Assessment of alternative income generating activities for community-based management of wildlife management areas (WMA) that could be put under community management as a result of policy reforms. I identified the NRM options and my team mate conducted economic analysis of their viability. Employed by xxx under USAID funding. Daty?