Natural Resource Management & Conservation Specialist
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Work experience in the United States

Work experience in the United States

Remote Sensing Vegetation mapping of the 50 x 20+ mile Red Lake Peatlands, the largest peatlands int he lower 48 states. Study resulted from a proposal by Minnegasco Co. to mine peat for the production of an artificial natural gas following the first energy crises of the 1970s. The ombrotrophic and minerotrophic bogs of the Red Lake Peatlands have incredible large scale landscape patterns that were not even discovered until the first aerial photographs were flown in the 1930s — 1978 & 79.

Remote Sensing Vegetation and hydrology mapping of the Bering River Delta (a de factor wilderness area with some of the best brown bear populations in Alaska). The study was to serve as a baseline for monitoring the major changes taking place on the delta, especially the tidal zone, initiated by the by the Alaska Earthquake that had uplifted the delta by about two meters. Spent the summer of 1977 gathering field reference data and accessing remote sites by float plane, john boat, canoe and by foot. Mapping was done by manual interpretation of 1:15,840 true color aerial photographs. Map base was prepared using the radial line slot method — 1977 & 78.

Remote Sensing Vegetation and hydrology mapping of 620 miles of the unprotected floodplain of the Mississippi River from the confluence of the Ohio River to Guttenberg Iowa (just south of border with Minnesota). Focus was on aquatic wetland vegetation used by waterfowl. Study was done for the US Fish and Wildlife Service as a base for wildlife management on the Mississippi. Employed for Remote Sensing Lab of the Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics of the University of Minnesota — 1976 & 77.

Remote Sensing applications to black bear habitat. Forest and wetland cover type mapping of the core study area of an ongoing black bear research study near Isabella in northeastern, Minnesota. Applications of Black Bear Habitat. Research Assistant at the School of Forestry at the University of Minnesota — 1974 & 75.

Christmas tree grower on the family farm in northeastern Minnesota — 1970s and 2010s.

Natural forest management on the family farm and the 63 acres section of the farm I have inherited. 1960s to present.

Forest genetics research aide at the USFS Institute of Forest Genetics in Rhinelander Wisconsin. Included baseline studies for a project to irradiate, and study the effects on, a northern hardwoods forest — 1969.

Soils lab technician at the St. Paul campus of the University of Minneosta — 1970.

Corn breeder’s aide at the Northern Maturities Field Lab of Funk Bros Seed Compoany at Owatanna, Minnesota — 1968.

Research aide and field manager for a study on the use of 3.5 inch rolled plastic containerized seedling. Study conducted by General Logging Company, a subsidiary of Northwest Paper Company in Cloquet, MN — 1967.

Smoke chaser for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources forestry office in Moose Lake MN — 1966 & 67.

Pulpwood and timber cutter on the family farm — intermittent 1962 to 1974

Dairy farm worker on the family farm — 1956 to 1966.